"And I'll scream,
so loud that everyone in this place,
will hear every word I say.
'Cause this is my time, this is my time to shine,
let nothing stand in our way."
-A Day to Remember

Media is very important in my life. Though I like certain types of media more so that I like it overall. I am very passionate about music and well thought through films, so they are very important to me. Music, Films and Television are most important to me in media. I grew up in a musical family, and have been surrounded by it all my life, so it has come to be an important aspect in my life. My family also frequently sits down together to watch a movie, and we analyze the movies to determine if it could be considered a "good movie" or not. For example, In Bruge, Synecdoche New York, and Little Miss Sunshine are all movies that we watched together and enjoyed. Television as well, because I know for sure that there are a few shows that I could not live without, such as That 70's show, Arrested Development, Big Bang theory and The Office.
Our modern popular culture is, in my opinion, a bit too superficial. It is based around looks and flash, rather then function and originality. I do appreciate some of the new technologies to help us communicate in different ways, but at the same time I know it's a bit unnecessary. I don't like how pop culture is so superficial, and sometimes even solely based around money and profit. I use media for entertainment and you might even say a hobby, because I grew up playing music and making mini-movies, etc., so it's a big part of my life.

One form of media I have a strong, passionate connection to is music. I have grown up around music and have been living with it all my life, to the point that it has become my life in a sense. My favourite artists, the ones that are most inspirational to me, would have to be A Day to Remember, Jack Johnson and other bands such as Modest Mouse, Bright Eyes, and Eminem, to name a few. I like a large variety of styles in music, and could easily say I love every type of music. Music has gotten me through a lot of rough patches, and has always been there to offer me the support that no one else could, so it is definitely a huge part of my life.
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