Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Tell me what you know about dreamin', dreamin'. You don't really know about nothing, nothing."

I chose this video of the song Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi (The Megaforce Remix) not only because it has to be one of my favourite songs, but also because the video, though lacking much sense, seems like an interesting enough one to dissect and talk about in my Blog Assignment.

In this video, the reality that is shown in the video can no more easily be described as a that of a stoner. Kid Cudi is famous for smoking marijuana and expressing his love for it, so it is to no surprise that yet another one of his videos are of him, surrounded by smoke, and most obviously high. The reality portrayed in the video is neither realistic or practical, and seems to be working every stereotype of someone who would likely smoke weed; lazy, hallucinogenic, and generally out of it. The portrayal of Kid Cudi, constantly going to stand up but ending up back on the couch, shows laziness, or perhaps even the inability to stand up straight. The strange women and people seen at the party, as well as Kid Cudi shown pretending to climb out a window more then once, are his hallucinations, and his inability to think or see clearly. The smoke shown floating around no doubt is a representation of marijuana smoke, helping even more with the stoner stereotype, making it seem like all Cudi does is smoke up and laze around, hallucinating about strange women. This same idea is shown in a good number of his videos, for example, his song "Day and Night" (Crookers Remix) shows him smoking up and hallucinating at work as well.

The Creeds and Values in this video are somewhat difficult to understand if you think about it. On one hand, it could easily be promoting the use of Marijuana. On the other, the portrayal of Kid Cudi the "stoner" is not exactly an ideal one. He is shown as slow moving, lazy, out of sorts, not exactly happy, for if you notice he doesn't smile. The song itself backs this up, with it's slow beat, and title; "Pursuit of Happiness". He is looking for it, but has not yet found it. From the looks of it it's not an ideal life style, so though it could be promoting the use of Marijuana, it could also be setting up an image of someone who does, not exactly in a flattering way, to try and deter people from doing as Cudi does.

This video may appeal to teenagers because of it's drug references. It could appeal to the ones that use drugs in the way that they can relate to it, and it could also appeal to others who don't, who are curious about it, and find interest in something they are not used to nor see on a usual basis. Kid Cudi leads his life in a way that not many do, and when they do, they don't express it as openly as he does. This comes as an interest to people, as it does to me, because it's so different from the ways we are used to.

Though there is not much to it, I do believe it is a well done video, with good visual effects and an interesting mood that has been set. It is unique, very different from the ones you now a days. I can come to appreciate the originality of this video, and do enjoy watching it. So in all, I believe this was a well done video, even if it's intentions are not exactly clear.

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